Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow day! (disclaimer: liberal rant)

After a record 12 inches of snow, all school districts in our area closed for the day. It was lovely! What has not been so lovely has been hearing and reading all of the smart ass comments from global warming skeptics. If people would educate themselves just a little, they would realize that global warming isn't going to make winter weather go away. It causes climate CHANGE. In this case, crazy El Nino warm air brought moisture over the southern U.S. while arctic air dipped down deeper than usual. Moisture + cold air = snow. More severe weather events, even winter weather events, go hand-in-hand with global warming. Top climate scientists have said that. This news is not new. I also don't understand why global warming has to be a political issue. I've been hearing the comments from Fox "News," Republican congress people, and conservative friends on Facebook. Why is it the right that denies it? Is it the whole science vs. religion thing? I know plenty of religious people who look at the scientific evidence and can see that climate change is real. Is the oil lobby really that powerful that it reaches even non-politicians, like people on Facebook? If I have to choose between believing Exxon and believing NOAA scientists, my money is with NOAA.

Rant done! :-)


  1. I agree! Those who choose not to believe global warming is a direct result of human action LOVE chilly days, don't they?

  2. Yay for your new blog, Heather! I'm still undecided which side I'm on with regards to global warming. Kinda weird though that you're getting all the snow and I can see parts of my lawn here in Maine!

  3. LOL, I know, isn't the snow crazy? It's going to be 60 degrees here on Thursday, which is just one week after we got that record snow storm. Texas weather is nuts!
